时间:2022-12-29 23:25
例句:You were found in violation of Article 2, Section B of Coolidge's bylaws-- soliciting of alcohol to extreme minors... which is grounds for immediate expulsion.
翻译:你犯了库立吉校规里 第二章, 第B节 的规定 引诱未成年人饮酒... 应该受到退学处分.。
bylaws一般作为名词使用,如在revision of bylaws([法] 修改章程)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. We often use a term called bylaws.
翻译:我们经常用到一个专业术语叫做次要法规。 。
2. The company bylaws are quite clear. My God!
3. in accordance with our bylaws as drawn up by Weeks, Frankel,
翻译:根据由威克斯 弗兰克以及莱文斯坦。
4. The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable bylaws of business. The world is a business Mr. Beale.
翻译:这个世界是由财团的, 决策根据的是永恒不变的无情商业法则。
5. Your Honor, i'd like to introduce the bylaws of the Highland Park Neighborhood Association into evidence.
翻译:法官大人 我想将海兰帕居委会 的章程列为证据。
6. While under the threat of the impeachment, you can't exactly amend bylaws, so that concussion protocol, yeah, it's a thing.
翻译:每个人都是自私的 你在澳大利亚的间谍学校学到的。
7. This is a copy of Blowtorch corporate bylaws.
8. The criteria listed in the official university bylaws on faculty hires.
翻译:列出的标准 是基于校内的能力聘用细则。
9. if this is true, of course, it contravenes a number of the league's bylaws and also article 27 of the league...
翻译:如果情况属实 此行为违反了 计分的规则...。
10. We often use a term called bylaws.
11. - Our bylaws state that the board of trustees...
12. it's against the bylaws of the lnternational Order of Travel Agents... to get involved with clients.
翻译:这可有违国际旅行代理社规定 It's against the bylaws of the lnternational Order of Travel Agents... 我们不能和客户有牵扯。
13. - The firm's bylaws allow the managing partner to act unilaterally.
14. And second, you should check the bylaws.
15. According to the bylaws of the foundation, new board members are appointed by a majority vote from other members.
翻译:根据基金会的规定 董事会成员要由其他成员的选举产生。