时间:2022-12-29 23:15
例句:Chairs: recycled and recyclable.
翻译:椅子:回收制作,且可再回收利用。 。
例句:Chairs: recycled and recyclable.
例句:We had to replace them with recyclable plastic.
翻译:我们只得换上可循环再用的塑料. 。
例句:Even when we think or talk about recycling, lots of recyclable stuff ends up getting incinerated or in landfills and leaving many municipalities, diversion rates -- they leave much to be recycled.
翻译:当我们思考或讨论如何回收利用时, 许多可回收物品已经被焚化或掩埋了, 这加大了城市的回收分流难度, 使回收过程更复杂。。
recyclable一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在recyclable coagulant(再循环凝结剂)、recyclable materials([网络] 可循环使用的材料;可循环再造物料;可回收材料)、recyclable resource(可回收资源)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. We had to replace them with recyclable plastic.
翻译:我们只得换上可循环再用的塑料. 。
2. Even when we think or talk about recycling, lots of recyclable stuff ends up getting incinerated or in landfills and leaving many municipalities, diversion rates -- they leave much to be recycled.
翻译:当我们思考或讨论如何回收利用时, 许多可回收物品已经被焚化或掩埋了, 这加大了城市的回收分流难度, 使回收过程更复杂。。
3. in some cases, it's recyclable.
翻译:在某些情况下,它可循环利用。 。
4. The upper is Nylon 6 that can go back to caprolactam, the bottom, a polyolephine -- infinitely recyclable thermoplastic.
翻译:上层是尼龙6,那可回收为己内酰胺, 底层是聚烯烃 — 一种可无限次回收的热塑性塑料。 。
5. For example, the catadores, workers who collect recyclable materials for a living.
翻译:例如,那些垃圾回收工 他们靠捡可回收的东西为生 。
6. We had to replace them with recyclable plastic.
7. We've developed a carpet that is continuously recyclable, down to the parts per million.
翻译:我们已开发了一种可持续循环利用的地毯, 达到百万分之一的层次。 。
8. Shoes for Nike, where the uppers are polyesters, infinitely recyclable, the bottoms are biodegradable soles.
翻译:Nike 鞋子的上层是聚酯,可无限次回收, 底层是可生物分解的鞋底。 。
9. Floor: sustainable, recyclable.
翻译:地板:耐磨、可回收利用。 。
10. We've developed a carpet that is continuously recyclable, down to the parts per million.
翻译:我们已开发了一种可持续循环利用的地毯, 达到百万分之一的层次。。
11. And i think to get started, all we have to do is start to design clothes to be recyclable at the end of their life.
翻译:首先我们需要做的就是 开始设计能够 在寿命结束时可回收的服装。 。
12. We are all totally recyclable.
13. The robot would vary material properties on the fly and create these 12-foot-long structures made of a single material, 100 percent recyclable.
翻译:机器手臂可以在空中改变材料属性, 创造出这些12英尺长的结构, 全由单一材料组成, 100%可以回收利用。 。
14. We are all totally recyclable.
翻译:我们都是可循环的 。
15. Even when we think or talk about recycling, lots of recyclable stuff ends up getting incinerated or in landfills and leaving many municipalities, diversion rates -- they leave much to be recycled.
翻译:当我们思考或讨论如何回收利用时, 许多可回收物品已经被焚化或掩埋了, 这加大了城市的回收分流难度, 使回收过程更复杂。 。