时间:2022-12-29 23:05
例句:These mothers pump their first offspring full of this pollutant, and most of them die.
翻译:母亲们把污染物 都输送给了第一胎后代。 其中大部分都会死去。 。
例句:in this case the pollutant is a form of oxygen itself the Oxygen molecules change into unstable forms called free radicals
翻译:而这里所说的污染正是来自氧本身 氧分子变成了叫做自由基的不稳定结构。
例句:i've assumed that she lives in an average household with average air pollutant levels.
翻译:我还假设她住在一个普通环境 处于普通的空气污染程度。
例句:i've assumed that she lives in an average household with average air pollutant levels.
翻译:我还假设她住在一个普通环境 处于普通的空气污染程度 。
pollutant一般作为名词使用,如在domestic pollutant(生活污染物)、emission pollutant(排放污染物)、environmental chemical pollutants(环境化学污染物)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. i've assumed that she lives in an average household with average air pollutant levels.
翻译:我还假设她住在一个普通环境 处于普通的空气污染程度。
2. i've assumed that she lives in an average household with average air pollutant levels.
翻译:我还假设她住在一个普通环境 处于普通的空气污染程度 。
3. These chemical pollutants are currently not a criteria air pollutant, as defined by the U.S. Clean Air Act.
翻译:这些化学污染物 据清洁空气法案定义 目前还不在空气污染物的标准中。
4. So basically, PET plastic goes from being a big, tough, long-lasting pollutant to a tasty meal for my bacteria.
翻译:基本上, PET塑料从大型、 牢固而持久的污染, 变成了我的细菌口中的美餐。 。
5. These mothers pump their first offspring full of this pollutant, and most of them die.
翻译:母亲们把污染物 都输送给了第一胎后代。 其中大部分都会死去。。
6. We're in the middle of a desert looking for the source of a river pollutant using as our map a cave drawing of a civil war gunship which is also in the desert.
翻译:我们在沙漠中寻找水污染源 靠一幅南北战争战舰的壁画 而那艘船也在沙漠中。
7. Now, the mother then can go and reproduce, but what a terrible price to pay for the accumulation of this pollutant in these animals -- the death of the first-born calf.
翻译:现在,雌性海豚可以继续繁殖了, 但这代价太大了 污染物富集在 这些动物体内 ——这要由第一胎后代的死来买单。 。
8. Now, the mother then can go and reproduce, but what a terrible price to pay for the accumulation of this pollutant in these animals -- the death of the first-born calf.
翻译:现在,雌性海豚可以继续繁殖了, 但这代价太大了 污染物富集在 这些动物体内 ——这要由第一胎后代的死来买单。。
9. But trust me, in a highly controlled environment such as this any pollutant no matter how small could completely...
翻译:但相信我 但在像这样一个高度控制的环境中... 任何污染物...。
10. What is the main coastal water pollutant?
翻译:什么是主要的沿海 水污染物?。
11. Now, most of you probably think of CO2 as a pollutant.
翻译:在座大部分的人可能都认为 二氧化碳是污染物。 。
12. These chemical pollutants are currently not a criteria air pollutant, as defined by the U.S. Clean Air Act.
翻译:这些化学污染物 据清洁空气法案定义 目前还不在空气污染物的标准中 。