reinforcing是什么意思 reinforcing的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

时间:2022-12-29 22:50


reinforcing是什么意思 reinforcing的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:So, we've been reinforcing it.




例句:Human needs are human needs and having access to the necessities of life, such as clean air nutritious food and clean water along with a positively reinforcing, stable nurturing, non-violent environment, is demanded for our mental and physical health

reinforcing是什么意思 reinforcing的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

翻译:这些都是无关要紧的 人类需求就是人类需求 到达生活的必须条件 如清洁的空气。



例句:They were consistently dug as limestone quarries and by the 18th century, the caving-in of some of these quarries posed safety threats, so the government ordered reinforcing of the existing quarries and dug new observation tunnels in order to monitor and map the whole place.

翻译:他们通常是被作为石灰石采石场的, 直到18世纪 因为一些采石场顶板坍塌造成了安全隐患 于是被强制要求加固剩下的采石场, 并且挖掘新的观测隧道 来监控并给这整个地方绘地图。 。

reinforcing是什么意思 reinforcing的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



例句:- i was just reinforcing your message.

翻译:- 我只是强调一下你的话。



reinforcing一般作为动词使用,如在external reinforcing force([网络] 外部增援)、fabric reinforcing patch(织料补胎片)、fabrics reinforcing patch(织料加强补胎片)等常见短语中出现较多。

external reinforcing force[网络] 外部增援fabric reinforcing patch织料补胎片fabrics reinforcing patch织料加强补胎片fin reinforcing assembly尾翼加固组件external reinforcing force[网络] 外部增援fabric reinforcing patch织料补胎片fabrics reinforcing patch织料加强补胎片fin reinforcing assembly尾翼加固组件


1. They were consistently dug as limestone quarries and by the 18th century, the caving-in of some of these quarries posed safety threats, so the government ordered reinforcing of the existing quarries and dug new observation tunnels in order to monitor and map the whole place.

翻译:他们通常是被作为石灰石采石场的, 直到18世纪 因为一些采石场顶板坍塌造成了安全隐患 于是被强制要求加固剩下的采石场, 并且挖掘新的观测隧道 来监控并给这整个地方绘地图。 。

2. - i was just reinforcing your message.

reinforcing是什么意思 reinforcing的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

翻译:- 我只是强调一下你的话。

3. it had the central fluid, it had the surrounding wall, and the reinforcing fibers in the wall were arranged in crossed helices around the long axis of the skeleton.

翻译:它的中央有液体 周围有外壁 外壁中有强化纤维 这些纤维以交叉螺旋的形式 排列在骨骼的长轴上 。

4. When we take these questions seriously without even knowing it, we're reinforcing the closed, exclusionary borders of the immigration conversation.

翻译:当我们无意识地开始重视这些问题时, 我们就把移民问题封闭、 排外的交流界限 进一步强化了。 。

reinforcing是什么意思 reinforcing的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

5. The Germans have already begun reinforcing, so our invasion plans may be unworkable.

翻译:德国人已经开始调整了 所以我们的入侵计划可能无法实施。

6. instead, they want to take the shortcut, and that shortcut is self-reinforcing.

翻译:而小路有自我强化机制: 一旦形成,就会有越来越多的人走 。

7. And it's out of this mutually reinforcing choreography that a lot that is of importance to the emergence of mind -- the social mind, the social brain -- depends on.

翻译:在这种双向互助、一来一往如同舞蹈一样的过程中 对人的思想慢慢形成至关重要的各种因素便产生了 人的社会心理,社会大脑也借此形成. 。

8. A phenomenon known in psychiatric circles as a self-reinforcing delusion.

翻译:心理学界定义了一个现象: 自强化妄想症。

9. And everything has got to be reinforcing this.


10. And then they kept reinforcing it, until he did.

翻译:然后他们不断强化催眠 直到他做到了 {\1cHF0F0F0}{\3cH202020}And then they kept reinforcing it, until he did.。

11. i'll talk with Cabrera about reinforcing the guard day and night.

翻译:去吧 但不要打扰到她 算我求你。

12. And this release of additional greenhouse gases into the atmosphere will only contribute to further warming that makes this predicament even worse, as it starts a self-reinforcing positive feedback loop that could go on and on and on, dramatically changing our climate future.

翻译:而这些向大气层释放 的额外温室气体 只会导致进一步暖化, 使这种困境更加恶化, 因为它开始了一个 自我增强的正反馈循环, 它会持续不断地循环, 极大地改变我们的气候未来。 。

13. They also start reinforcing their network of experienced journalists.

翻译:这也是开始的增强 网络经验丰富的记者。。

14. So this is the assortative mating hypothesis of these genes reinforcing one another in these structures.

翻译:这就是选择配假说 这些基因在群体中 相互增强 。

15. Was Jane simply reinforcing what Jane would have done?

翻译:到底Jane仅仅是在强化 她自己会怎么做? 。



