democracies是什么意思 democracies的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

时间:2022-12-29 22:40


democracies是什么意思 democracies的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:When we look at comparable democracies, the US has one of the lowest voter turnout rates in the world.

翻译:当我们看看类似的国家, 是世界上的投票率 最低的国家之一。 。



democracies一般作为名词使用,如在media democracies([网络] 媒体)、parliamentary democracies(议会制)、participatory democracies(分享制;参与性制度)等常见短语中出现较多。

media democracies[网络] 媒体parliamentary democracies议会制participatory democracies分享制;参与性制度representative democracies[网络]


1. So there are two good reasons to think that this kind of technique can be applied to democracies in general and in particular to the law.

翻译:所以现在有两个很好的理由这样想: 这种方式可以应用在 普遍的制度,尤其是在法律上 。

2. Strong democracies are the orange color.

翻译:强大的是橙色。 。

3. To dictators and democracies alike

democracies是什么意思 democracies的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

翻译:者和 国家的一致好评。

4. They created clandestine centers in the People's Democracies composed of corrupt elements.

翻译:他们在国家建立了 份子组成的秘密中心。

5. But perhaps it's also telling us that we should be worried about going around the world and shoehorning democracy, because ultimately we run the risk of ending up with illiberal democracies, democracies that in some sense could be worse than the authoritarian governments that they seek to replace.

翻译:但也许这还告诉我们 我们应该为在世界各地 将强加于人感到不安 因为最终我们要承担的风险 就是狭隘的, 某种程度来说,这样的, 可能比设法终结的 还要糟糕! 。

democracies是什么意思 democracies的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

6. Their tanks and dive-bombers. So they can destroy democracies like England,

翻译:他们的坦克,轰炸机与 这样他们就能在我们准备好之前。

7. Modern representative democracies are being strangled in many countries by powerful interests.

翻译:现代具有代表性的在很多国家 已经被强大的利益扼杀。 。

8. Distinguished academics at the same time argued that democracies had this incredible range of side benefits.

democracies是什么意思 democracies的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

翻译:学者们那时候也认为 可以在很多方面都带来有益的帮助 。

9. Our democracies rely on elections.


10. And in the end, there's better bargaining between the authorities and citizens, and democracies, capitalism -- everything else flourished.

翻译:最终,权威与公民之间的地位 发生了变化 、资本主义和一切其他的制度得到充分发展。。

democracies是什么意思 democracies的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

11. Particularly in rich Western democracies, they are then less likely to believe that science.

翻译:尤其是在一些富有的西方国家, 他们更可能不太相信这种理论。 。

12. The second question is: Who thinks our democracies are functioning well?

翻译:第二个问题是: 你们认为我们的 制运行得好吗? 。

13. The western democracies are decadent.


14. Privacy is the building block of our democracies.

翻译:隐私是的基础 。

15. And we've got to preserve our own democracies, but we've got to also activate our own democracies.

翻译:我们必须保护我们自己的制度, 必须让它充满活力。 。

