allocate是什么意思 allocate的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

时间:2022-12-29 22:30


allocate是什么意思 allocate的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:in fact, they were so rare that elected members of Parliament had the right to allocate 15 telephone lines as a favor to those they deemed worthy.

翻译:事实上,他们是如此稀有,以至于只有当选的议会议员 才有权分享那些 他们认为值得青睐的15条电话线。。



例句:To cooperate is not a super effort, it is how you allocate your effort.

allocate是什么意思 allocate的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

翻译:合作不是一股超级力量, 而是对力量的分配。 。



例句:They would allocate more resources to the host plant giving them more carbon.

翻译:它们会分配更多的资源给 能回馈自己更多碳的寄主植物。 。

allocate是什么意思 allocate的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



例句:Every day, despite your neglect, that plant has to wake up and figure out how to allocate its resources.

翻译:尽管你会忘记, 那盆植物每天都需要醒来 并思考如何分配它所有的资源。 。



allocate一般作为动词使用,如在dynamically allocate(动态配置)、dynamically allocated pool(动态分配集用场)、expense not allocated(un. 未分配费用\n[网络] 待摊费用)等常见短语中出现较多。

dynamically allocate动态配置dynamically allocated pool动态分配集用场expense not allocatedun. 未分配费用\n[网络] 待摊费用freight not allocated[经] 未分配运费request allocate overhead请求分配开销request/allocate overhead[计] 请求/分配开销


1. They would allocate more resources to the host plant giving them more carbon.

翻译:它们会分配更多的资源给 能回馈自己更多碳的寄主植物。 。

2. Every day, despite your neglect, that plant has to wake up and figure out how to allocate its resources.

allocate是什么意思 allocate的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

翻译:尽管你会忘记, 那盆植物每天都需要醒来 并思考如何分配它所有的资源。 。

3. One advantage of that is that you can allocate money coherently.


4. They'll allocate the funds anyway.

翻译:They'll allocate the funds anyway.。

allocate是什么意思 allocate的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

5. The Earth invented the computer internet for its own benefit, and we now, being the top organism on this planet, are trying to allocate resources in order to protect the biosphere.

翻译:地球为自己的利益发明了计算机互联网, 我们作为地球上的高等生物, 则努力合理分配资源以保护生物圈。 。

6. They will allocate a name of code in telephone cabins.

翻译:好的 我们在电话上设定了 一些特定的代码。

7. We could change the way people allocate their resources, the way this planet uses its energy, make it more fun.

翻译:你可以改变人类调配资源的方法 世界消耗能源的方法 让它变得有趣。

8. Look, i have superiors to answer to, and they're not gonna allocate the funds or the manpower, not 24i7.

翻译:我得向上级交代 而他们不会拨出经费或人力 全天候保护你。

9. The other one is the frontal lobe, which controls how we sustain attention, and another one is the anterior cingulate, which controls how we allocate and regulate attention and resolve conflict.

翻译:还有一个则是控制我们 如何保持注意力的大脑额叶。 另有一个是控制我们如何分配和调节注意力 以及处理矛盾的前扣带皮层。 。

10. Former cattle rancher (Author "Mad Cowboy") The fact is today we could feed all the people of the world with a proper diet, if we take the feed we allocate to animals and turn it into human food.

翻译:前牧场主 (作者"疯狂牛仔") 事实上,我们今天能 养活世界上所有的人 用适当的饮食, 如果我们把饲料 我们分配到的动物。

11. What if they used that firepower to allocate more of their capital to companies working the hardest at solving these challenges or at least not exacerbating them?

翻译:他们能不能利用那些火力, 将更多的资本分配到 那些最努力解决这些问题的公司, 或至少是没有使这些问题加重的公司? 。

12. interestingly, things like micro-payments are actually going to change the way security works in our world, because once we're better able to allocate value, people will use their money and their energies for more constructive things.

翻译:有趣的是 类似微支付的方式 能改变现在所使用的安全保障方式 因为一旦我们能更好的分配价值 我们会把金钱和能源都利用在 更加有建设性的事情上 。

13. Simulating the TechCrunch Disrupt environment, i had participants listen to four six-minute audio files of 10 question-and-answer exchanges that were manipulated for promotion and prevention language, and then asked them to allocate a sum of funding to each venture as they saw fit.

翻译:通过模拟TechCrunch Disrupt的环境, 我参与倾听了4个包括10个问答的 6分钟音频, 这些问题包含促进和预防用语, 然后让他们按认为合适的方式 为每个企业分配资金。 。

14. My recommendation is that we allocate the bulk of our resources into saving our people.


15. if we allocate all available labor and equipment, and bypass legal procedures we can expect to kick start production within a week.

翻译:投放所有的人力物力 借助的力量简化所有相关手续 这样或许最晚可以在一周内开始生产。

