shadowy是什么意思 shadowy的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

时间:2022-12-29 22:27


shadowy是什么意思 shadowy的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

shadowy在英语中代表"影子的 、虚幻的"的意思,其中文解释还有"有影的"的意思,发音音标为[ʃ'ædoui],shadowy是一个英语名词,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到75个与shadowy相关的同义词和例句。



例句:Shadowy stories about money. There may have been bloodshed.




例句:Back in the '50s and '60s, when i was growing up, little girls were supposed to be kind and thoughtful and pretty and gentle and soft, and we were supposed to fit into roles that were sort of shadowy -- really not quite clear what we were supposed to be.

shadowy是什么意思 shadowy的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

翻译:回到1950和xx年代,在我成长年代中, 小女孩应该是善良,体贴 可爱,温柔和温顺的。 我们得适应 这种模糊的女孩象征模式。 真的不是很清楚我们应该是什么样子的?。



例句:Taken from their families, sequestered in a shadowy world of darkness for 18 years -- two nine-year periods deliberately chosen to evoke the nine months they spend in the natural mother's womb.

翻译:从家里面被带出来,躲避在黑暗的地方 长达xx年——特意挑选两个xx年来 唤起在母亲中度过的九个月。。

shadowy是什么意思 shadowy的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



例句:While many of the details of Diogenes’ life are shadowy, the philosophical ideas born out of his disgrace survive today.

翻译:尽管第欧根尼生平的 许多细节鲜为人知, 但他羞耻的行为所孕育的 哲学思想却留存至今。 。



shadowy一般作为名词使用,如在shadowy blue ware(影青瓷)、shadowy figure([网络] 阴暗的人形;模糊的人影;黑影)等常见短语中出现较多。

shadowy blue ware影青瓷shadowy figure[网络] 阴暗的人形;模糊的人影;黑影


1. Taken from their families, sequestered in a shadowy world of darkness for 18 years -- two nine-year periods deliberately chosen to evoke the nine months they spend in the natural mother's womb.

翻译:从家里面被带出来,躲避在黑暗的地方 长达xx年——特意挑选两个xx年来 唤起在母亲中度过的九个月。。

2. While many of the details of Diogenes’ life are shadowy, the philosophical ideas born out of his disgrace survive today.

shadowy是什么意思 shadowy的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

翻译:尽管第欧根尼生平的 许多细节鲜为人知, 但他羞耻的行为所孕育的 哲学思想却留存至今。 。

3. That shadowy figure could be anywhere.


4. "Of shadowy granite in a gleaming pass.


5. What about that shadowy place?

翻译:那么黑暗的地方呢 那是我们的边界.。

6. in such a case, it's natural that he could have believed that a man or a shadowy figure of some kind was stalking him.

翻译:在这个案中,自然地,他相信他看见 那些人或影子在静静接近。

7. i want to make a movie i want to make a movie shadowy vanishing

shadowy是什么意思 shadowy的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

翻译:我要拍电影 我要拍电影 有影没影。

8. You can almost feel that continuous native life that keeps alive ancient memories, and shadowy, strange beliefs.

翻译:你几乎可以感觉到,持续 原生的生活,让活着的古老的回忆, 神出鬼没,奇怪的信念。。

9. Orwellian dystopias and shadowy cabals and mind-controlling supervillains -- these are tropes that fill our darkest fiction, but in nature, they happen all the time.

翻译:奥威尔反乌托邦作品,神出鬼没的阴谋组织 和会大脑操控的超级恶棍-- 这些都是充斥着我们小说中的比喻, 但是在自然中,它们无时无刻不在发生。 。

10. Just walk into the dark, shadowy part of the forest where no one can see you.

翻译:只要走入森林黑暗阴森... ...没有人能看见你的地方。

11. Because you were openly investigating a shadowy government group that threatens the very fabric of our nation.


12. it's that shadowy feeling you get when a situation seems familiar.

翻译:就是那种当下情形似曾相识的模模糊糊的感觉。 模模糊糊的感觉。 。

13. The objective -- To peer into every shadowy corner of the atcu.

翻译:我们今天启动"照明灯计划" Today, we're launching Operation Spotlight.。

14. i find it astounding that someone from the shadowy corners of cyberspace can become its voice of opposition, its last line of defense even, perhaps someone like Anonymous, the leading brand of global hacktivism.

翻译:我觉得很惊讶 某个来自数字空间阴暗角落的人 能够成为反对面的声音, 甚至是其防御的最后一道防线, 也许某人就像匿名者, 国际黑客组织的首领。 。

15. Ah, yes, which is a shadowy cabal of corporations that pretty much influence everything that happens in this country.

翻译:是的 这'公司'是一个阴谋团体 差不多有能力 影响这个国家的一切。

