时间:2022-12-29 22:27
例句:Not even typhoons can deter me
例句:in Taipei, there is nothing except typhoons and earthquakes
翻译:哪像台北这鬼地方 今天台风,明天地震的。
1. The stability and comfort that we enjoy, despite the droughts of the Negro River, and all the heat and cold and typhoons, etc., there is nothing like it in the universe, that we know of.
翻译:我们所享受的安定与舒适, 尽管有尼罗河的干旱 还有那些冷热飓风 但地球是我们所知的宇宙里 绝无仅有的一个星球 。
2. By the time you are 30 years old... average global temperature will have risen 2 1/2 degrees... causing such catastrophic consequences... as typhoons, floods, widespread drought, and famine.
翻译:等到你们xx岁时... 全球平均气温将升高2.5度... 这将引起...。
3. Thundering typhoons, what are you doing?"
4. The two typhoons are crossing the East China Sea heading north... with winds exceeding over 70m / sec.
翻译:与切尔诺贝利事故的放射性尘埃差不多 唯一的区别就是它的性效应 不会马上被感觉到。
5. When two typhoons spin together one absorbs, the other and becomes more destructive.
6. We've got tide shifting... typhoons and tropical storms over the Eastern seaboard.
翻译:将要发生潮汐变动。 。 台风和热带风暴 正在东海岸肆虐。。
7. Hundreds of rocket-firing Typhoons strafed enemy communications and transport, leaving a trail of burning vehicles.
翻译:数以百计发射火箭的"台风"式战斗轰炸机 猛烈扫射敌人的交通线和运输工具, 留下一路燃烧的车辆。
8. The National Emergency Committee declared today at 4:00 a code red concerning the approaching typhoons. Unidentified nuclear materials are believed to be in the typhoons.
9. - Tsunamis, typhoons, hurricanes...
翻译:-海啸、台风,飓风。 。 。。
10. it also intensifies the impact of hurricanes and typhoons.
11. Thundering typhoons. Nobody takes my ship.
12. The two mega ton typhoons are named Rom and Rob.
13. The velocity of the two typhoons indicates, they will combine on the Korean Peninsula.
翻译:这是藤原效应 当两个台风旋转到一起, 一个将会吸收掉另外一个。
14. if we live in many coastal locations, from the Gulf of Mexico to the South Pacific, we are seeing stronger hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones, powered by a warming ocean.
翻译:如果我们住在很多靠海的地区, 从墨西哥湾到南太平洋, 我们看到因为变暖的海洋 而更强的飓风,台风,和旋风。 。
15. The two typhoons are 25km, 30km in diameter respectively and 10km in height.
翻译:他们处于战备状态,等候进一步通知 爸爸... 你总是说,成为战士是无上的光荣。