时间:2022-12-29 22:18
例句:So in summer 2000 i was the first to BASE jump the Eiger North Face in Switzerland.
翻译:xx年的夏天我是第一个 从瑞士Eiger山北面低空跳伞的人。 。
例句:The first ascent of the Eiger North Face took place in 1938.
翻译:xx年爱嘎北壁被首次跨越 德 -奥组合延续了托尼·库尔茨,安迪。
eiger一般作为名词使用,如在Geiger characteristic([核] 盖革管特征曲线)、geiger counter(n. 盖氏计量器, [核]盖革(-缪勒)计数器)、Geiger counter detector([化] 盖革-计数器检测器)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. Thought you didn't care about the Eiger.
翻译:- 我还以为,您要袖手旁观。
2. No, Dr. Eiger. There's no shipping invoice.
翻译:there's no shipping invoice.。
3. Attack the Eiger North Face!
4. They're camped at the foot of the Eiger. in the next few days...
5. The Reich Press Secretary... instructs us to focus... on the first ascent of the Eiger.
翻译:帝国宣传部来的 "各主管采编部门要优先处理首次登顶"。
6. The mountain is named after it. Eiger. Ogre.
翻译:这座山就叫这个名字 艾嘎,奥伽,您明白了吧?。
7. You're skipping the Eiger?
8. With the Olympics coming up, they're pushing the Eiger.
9. Carved it out of the Eiger with the sweat of my own brow.
10. Tomorrow the Eiger will be conquered - today you can consume a piece of it.
翻译:明天艾嘎就要被攻克 今天您已经能够分享到一份了!。
11. i read about you on the Eiger. Fastest female ascent.
翻译:我看到你登上爱格尔峰的报导 攀登最快的女性。
12. Why aren't they in Berne attempting to climb the Eiger?
13. 2005 i did a BASE jump from the Eiger, from the Monk and from the Jungfrau, three very famous mountains in Switzerland.
翻译:xx年我从Eiger, Monk 和 Jungfrau 三座在瑞士非常有名的山跳下。 。
14. So in summer 2000 i was the first to BASE jump the Eiger North Face in Switzerland.
翻译:xx年的夏天我是第一个 从瑞士Eiger山北面低空跳伞的人。。
15. We report on the hubbub at the Eiger beforehand.
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