时间:2022-12-29 22:15
例句:Next, any treatment that installs foreign objects in the body: stents for stroke, pumps for diabetes, dialysis, joint replacements.
翻译:接下来,任何需要在人体中 安装异物的治疗: 中风时使用的支架, 治疗糖尿病的胰岛素磊 透析,关节置换 。
例句:- When a school installs an $ 11,000 metal detector at his front door
翻译:- 一个学校要是前门都得装上价值一万一的金属探测器。
例句:With that capital, SolarCity purchases and installs the panel on the roof and then charges the homeowner or business owner a monthly lease payment, which is less than the utility bill.
翻译:有了资金,可以购买太阳能 然后在安装在屋顶上, 然后每月向住户或者企业收取租金,这比物业费要低。 。
例句:The problem and the path to the solution -- well, maybe that brand only gives out hot sauce upon request or installs bulk dispensers or comes up with more sustainable packaging.
翻译:这个问题和解决的方式是, 这个品牌可以只在 顾客要求的时候给出辣酱, 或者安装散装机, 或者生产更环保的包装。 。
1. With that capital, SolarCity purchases and installs the panel on the roof and then charges the homeowner or business owner a monthly lease payment, which is less than the utility bill.
翻译:有了资金,可以购买太阳能 然后在安装在屋顶上, 然后每月向住户或者企业收取租金,这比物业费要低。 。
2. The problem and the path to the solution -- well, maybe that brand only gives out hot sauce upon request or installs bulk dispensers or comes up with more sustainable packaging.
翻译:这个问题和解决的方式是, 这个品牌可以只在 顾客要求的时候给出辣酱, 或者安装散装机, 或者生产更环保的包装。 。
3. He installs stereos for rich people.
翻译:首先, 我要说...。
4. it can break any bank, bust any safe, crack any code, and it installs free cable!
翻译:保安再严密的银行 、 铜墙铁壁的金库 它都能一一破解, 进出 自如。
5. Someone informs you that this company installs front-seat mounting brackets that never pass collision tests, brake linings that fail after 1,000 miles, and fuel injectors that explode and burn people alive.
翻译:当有人跟你说在作撞击测试时 前排座、位的支撑架什么的 没有通过检验 行驶超过1500公里时,刹车就会坏掉。