时间:2022-12-29 21:51
understaffed的意思是"人员不足的 、人员不足的",其中文解释还有"人手不足的"的意思,在线发音:['ʌndəsta:ft],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到19个与understaffed相关的释义和例句。
例句:We have long and frequent power outages, low penetration of computers, slow internet connections and a lot of patients visiting understaffed hospitals.
翻译:我们频繁有长时间的停电, 低电脑普及率, 缓慢的网速, 和人满为患,却人手不足的医院。 。
例句:And l-- And i remembered your mother and that pathetic little pharmacy they have there and how you always used to complain how understaffed they were.
翻译:而我记得 还有那里的一间小药局 你老是抱怨那里人手不足。
例句:The American military is understaffed.
1. The American military is understaffed.
2. We're overcrowded and understaffed.
3. Central supply and maintenance are understaffed,And the autoclaves have been breaking down.
翻译:后勤补给处人手不够 高压蒸汽灭菌器也坏了。
4. - Despite being grossly understaffed?
翻译:人手问题就不管了吗 despite being grossly understaffed? 越好的医生 越需要...。
5. in reality, no recruitment agency wants to handle that sort of business, so you are going to muddle by, understaffed.
翻译:现实中,没有招聘代理机构愿意碰这类业务 因此,你只能在人手不足时勉强应付。 。
6. Traffic accident, the registrar is second best, their understaffed.
翻译:交通事故 记录员是第二合适人选 在他们所有的工作人员当中。
7. So the girls are eager to learn, but the school is understaffed.
翻译:那些女孩们十分渴望学习, 但是学校的师资力量相当匮乏。 。
8. All the stations are understaffed, we can't confirm when backup will arrive.
翻译:到处都很乱,所有分局都不够人手 暂时没落实增援到场的时间。
9. - Minerals Management is wildly understaffed.
翻译:- N -E -A。
10. Thanks for coming, we're so understaffed right now.
翻译:袱迎啊 我们正好人手不够发愁。
11. - This isn't going to work. - Ben, we're totally understaffed.
翻译:班 我们这是有点儿人员不足。
12. - We're seriously understaffed.
翻译:- 我们严重人手不足。
13. Embassy was understaffed, so the faculty wives were the typing pool.
翻译:大使馆人手不足 所以员工的妻子会当打字员。
14. i'm really understaffed tonight, Ali.
翻译:I'm really understaffed tonight, Ali. 今晚真是人手不足,艾莉。。
15. We're understaffed and he has a medical background.
翻译:我相信我们人手不足 他的确有当医生的背景。