时间:2022-12-29 21:51
例句:They made me a critical reader, contemptuous of the less eloquent.
翻译:他们让我成为挑剔的读者 修辞太弱的就报以轻视。
1. Court is not something i am contemptuous of, Your Honor.
2. You know, we're interested in, like, you know — — an awkward interaction, or a smile, or a contemptuous glance, or maybe a very awkward wink, or maybe even something like a handshake.
翻译:你看,我们对 尴尬的互动,或一个微笑 或轻蔑的一瞥,或奇怪的眨眼 甚至是握手之类的事情感兴趣。
3. Since when have you become so contemptuous of people, Fritz?
翻译:这么瞧不起民众的 小声点。
4. icy scorn glitters in the gray eyes, contemptuous and cruel.
5. He was contemptuous about the bomb, like it was beneath him.
翻译:他很蔑视 觉得那很跌份。
6. it makes men contemptuous, unjust, pitiless in their egoism.
翻译:让人轻蔑、 不公 对自私自利毫无悔意。
7. i mean, what a contemptuous attitude toward psychology.
8. You know, we're interested in, like, you know — (Laughter) — an awkward interaction, or a smile, or a contemptuous glance, or maybe a very awkward wink, or maybe even something like a handshake.
翻译:你看,我们对(笑声) 尴尬的互动,或一个微笑 或轻蔑的一瞥,或奇怪的眨眼 甚至是握手之类的事情感兴趣 。
9. But you were contemptuous and cynical.
10. - Quote, what is the monkey to man, contemptuous mirth or painful truth, unquote.
翻译:引号 猿猴之于人是什么? 一个讥笑或是一个痛苦的羞辱 引号结束。
11. For no reason at all, you... you're rude and contemptuous.
翻译:你总是这样没来由地粗鲁 目空一切。
12. And i marvel that you can be so contemptuous of me... on the same day that you lose your job!