时间:2022-12-29 21:39
例句:Rule number two, cut rarely to preserve the specialness.
翻译:第二条: cut rarely to preserve the specialness (实在不懂什么意思)。
例句:And some of them would say something else. They would say, "No, you know, this is a celebration of female specialness, it helps build that and it's a result of the fact that" -- and this is arguably a sophisticated psychological view -- "that male lust is not to be trusted."
翻译:她们可能会有别种想法。她们会说 ”不,这是对女性的一种礼赞 凸显我们是特别的, 这帮助我们这个,而且是因为那个……“ 当然这不是一种非常可靠的心理学论点 ”你不能信任男人的“。
1. Of... specialness and feelings.
翻译:一种 呣 特殊的感觉。
2. There was a... connection of specialness.
翻译:这跟 呣 一种特殊的感觉有关。
3. And some of them would say something else. They would say, "No, you know, this is a celebration of female specialness, it helps build that and it's a result of the fact that" -- and this is arguably a sophisticated psychological view -- "that male lust is not to be trusted."
翻译:她们可能会有别种想法。她们会说 ”不,这是对女性的一种礼赞 凸显我们是特别的, 这帮助我们这个,而且是因为那个……“ 当然这不是一种非常可靠的心理学论点 ”你不能信任男人的“ 。
4. # The specialness of today... #
翻译:# The specialness of today #。