时间:2022-12-29 21:18
1. i'm going through Royce Crombie's finances.
翻译:我来查Royce Crombie财务状况。
2. The only problem is that, in an earlier taped conversation between Mr. Wade and Royce Crombie, the two men discussed Mr. Wade's faith and joked that the only people who would contribute money to him were islamic extremists.
翻译:那唯一的问题就是 在一段更早的Wade先生 与Royce Crombie的对话当中 他们谈到了Wade先生的信仰 还开玩笑说。
3. Um, the bundler, Crombie, at the time of this 50,000-dollar contribution, he made six visits in one week to the same gas station in Garfield Park.
翻译:一点奇怪的地方 那个筹资人Crombie 在他给这五万赞助时。
4. When Mr. Crombie found out that this grand jury had been empanelled, he took his own life.
翻译:当Crombie先生得知 本次大陪审团组织就绪时 他了。
5. Mr. Wade and Crombie joked, with laughter, about Muslim extremists.
翻译:Wade先生和Crombie边开玩笑 提起极端分子 一边大笑。
6. - He received a payment from Crombie, a 50,000-dollar contribution a day before he reversed himself on the mosque.
翻译:- 但是? - 他收了Crombie的钱 五万美元赞助。
7. Royce Crombie was a bundler, a man who solicited money for politicians.
翻译:Royce Crombie是筹资人 专为政客筹款。
8. The feds go from Crombie to Wade, Wade to Eli, then Eli to...
翻译:- 关系网 调查从Crombie查到Wade Wade到Eli 然后从Eli到...。