时间:2022-12-29 21:18
例句:They'd pass the time lining their pockets. Sam used to insist on honest work, but now he hustles pool, like his brother.
翻译:他们会去发点小财 顺利打发时间 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}They'd pass the time lining their pockets. like his brother.。
例句:- i won't, as long as you agree to no more scams, no more cons, no more hustles, no more hoodwinks, no more gambits, no more stratagems and no more bamboozles.
翻译:我不会的 只要你保证不再用计谋 圈套 不再用障眼法 诡计 以后没有诈术 谋略。
例句:Oh yeah, occasionally he'll go down the aisle with the collection basket, wink at the pretty ladies, then he hustles back to count the money and clocks out.
翻译:举着他的募捐篮,向漂亮的女士抛媚眼 接着他急急忙忙地回来数钱, 之后就下班了。
hustles一般作为名词使用,如在ear hustles(骗人)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. Oh yeah, occasionally he'll go down the aisle with the collection basket, wink at the pretty ladies, then he hustles back to count the money and clocks out.
翻译:举着他的募捐篮,向漂亮的女士抛媚眼 接着他急急忙忙地回来数钱, 之后就下班了。
2. Just don't go do one of your stupid hustles for money.
3. What, and he hustles pool?
翻译:嗄 他还诈赌。
4. Side hustles could be anything from volunteering with an organization that's in the new industry you want to go into, could be starting your business part-time on the weekends.
翻译:这个副业可以是 在你想要去的新行业中的公司里 做志愿者, 也可以是用周末时间自己创业。 。
5. You know, every girl hustles in some way.
翻译:你知道吗 每个姑娘都在挤破头。
6. Looks, throws, catches, hustles.
7. All they'll learn on the inside is new hustles.
8. The panhandlers trust him, he believes in them, he hustles.
翻译:乞讨者信任他, 他也信任这些乞讨者。 是他促成了这件事。 。
9. Side hustles are appealing because it's easier to take that chance when you have some kind of income coming in.
翻译:副业很有吸引力, 因为通过它你能赚到钱, 就更容易让你抓住机会。 。
10. - No one hustles Yama! - Whoa. Hey...
翻译:ﺎﻣﺎﻳ) ﻰﻠﻋ ﻝﺎﺘﺤﻳ ﺪﺣﺃ ﻻ).。
11. All these women are running side hustles.
翻译:这些女性都在从事副业。 。
12. All they'll learn on the inside is new hustles.
翻译:而他们在里所能学到的不过是新的骗术而已。 。
13. Well, you learn to hustle, all kinds of hustles.
14. Well, you learn to hustle, all kinds of hustles.
翻译:我们必须做买卖,各种各样的买卖。 。