outcasts是什么意思 outcasts的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

时间:2022-12-29 20:42


outcasts是什么意思 outcasts的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:By Rome's will, lepers, outcasts without hope.

翻译:根据罗马规定 麻疯病人是没有希望的流浪者。



例句:The outcasts, the foundlings, the broken toys.

outcasts是什么意思 outcasts的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

翻译:弃儿的弃儿, 破碎的玩具。。



例句:They tend to be social outcasts. - Educationally sub-normal.

翻译:这是整个过程中最非凡的部分 That's the only truly remarkable aspect of the entire affair.。

outcasts是什么意思 outcasts的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



例句:And the experience to Jesus is to be open to the outcasts, to the marginalized people, to the sinners, no?

翻译:的教诲也向被社会排斥的人传授 同时还对脱离社会的人 甚至对那些有罪的人传授。



outcasts一般作为名词、动词使用,如在religious outcasts([网络] 遗弃\n(religious outcast 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

religious outcasts[网络] 遗弃\n(religious outcast 的复数)


1. They tend to be social outcasts. - Educationally sub-normal.

翻译:这是整个过程中最非凡的部分 That's the only truly remarkable aspect of the entire affair.。

2. And the experience to Jesus is to be open to the outcasts, to the marginalized people, to the sinners, no?

outcasts是什么意思 outcasts的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

翻译:的教诲也向被社会排斥的人传授 同时还对脱离社会的人 甚至对那些有罪的人传授。

3. Or maybe it was because of the things i had heard about epilepsy and about people living with epilepsy: that they would never live on their own; that they would never travel on their own or even get work; that they were outcasts, with a spirit in them that they needed to be delivered from.

翻译:也可能是因为我听说的 关于癫痫和癫痫患者的事: 他们永远不能生活, 他们永远不能独自旅行, 甚至永远不能工作, 他们是被遗弃的人, 他们拥有着需要被解救的灵魂。 。

4. Now we're outcasts without even a place for the night.

翻译:现在我们却像孤魂野鬼一样 连过夜的地方都没有。

5. and then we had this small band of outcasts, outlaws, working in the eleventh dimension.


6. Of highest rank were the samurai, followed by the farmers, then the tradesmen and villagers or "outcasts" at the bottom. Society was controlled by submission and oppression.

翻译:武士下面是百姓,町人 然后是部落民。

7. You know, ma'am, whenever a bunch of fellas like us outcasts, hoboes, nobodies, gentlemen loafers, one-time or all-time losers call us what you want to.

outcasts是什么意思 outcasts的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

翻译:你知道,女士,不管什么,一群像我们这样的家伙 一群像我们这样的家伙 被驱逐者,贫民,,小人物,绅士 流浪者,一时的失败者,永远的失败者... ...。

8. The outcasts who have no voice, no way of saying:

翻译:谁也不能抗拒的声音 无法表达的:。

9. All those social outcasts, you know?

翻译:不是有那种嘛 没钱还债的人。

10. Outcasts from Rome and from all over Europe are coming into our country to destabilize the government, to poison the minds and hearts of our people, to turn them into fanatics at the service of foreign interests.

翻译:从罗马来的放逐者 还有来自欧洲各地的放逐者 进入我国,颠覆我们。

11. They were society's outcasts.


12. it's why companies are blindsided when plastic straws and bags and bottled water go from staples to rejects overnight, and baffled when a change in social mores turns stars into pariahs and colleagues into outcasts: ineradicable uncertainty.

翻译:这就是为什么当一夜之间, 塑料吸管、塑料袋和瓶装水 从生活必需品变人喊打的产品, 制造公司却会感到不知所措; 当社会动荡的变化 将明星变成贱民、 同事变成被驱逐的人时, 他们会感到困惑: 不可避免的不确定性。 。

13. Having had a liberal upbringing, Erik had always defended society's outcasts.


14. And the reason is, because although innovation, of course, takes place in big businesses, takes place in world-class universities, it also takes place in the fringes, because those on the fringes -- the pariahs, the outcasts -- they're often the most creative, because they have to be.

翻译:因为,尽管我们一直认为 只有大的商业企业 或者综合性的大学 才会一直在追求创新发展, 创新其实也发生在 一些社会边缘人群中, 因为那些边缘人群 -- 社会底层人群,那些被排斥的存在-- 常常是最有创造力的, 因为他们不得不这样。 。

15. Both math geniuses, social outcasts, anarchist views.

翻译:都是数学天才 社交障碍 无主义。



