时间:2022-12-29 20:24
cheekbone在中文中有"颧骨 、颊骨"的意思,其中文解释还有"颧骨"的意思,读音为[tʃ'i:kboun],cheekbone是一个英语名词,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到85个与cheekbone相关的近义词和例句。
例句:Your cheekbone is bruised.
翻译:你的脸颊擦伤了 Your cheekbone is bruised.。
例句:That's the right cheekbone and eye socket.
例句:The surgeon then lifted her upper lip... and moved her cheeks up to her cheekbone
翻译:那医生就给她掀开上唇... 然后把两边脸颊钉到颧骨上。
cheekbone一般作为名词使用,如在high cheekbones(高颧骨)等常见短语中出现较多。
1. The surgeon then lifted her upper lip... and moved her cheeks up to her cheekbone
翻译:那医生就给她掀开上唇... 然后把两边脸颊钉到颧骨上。
2. You fractured a man's cheekbone.
3. Hit him with a coffeepot too. Broke his cheekbone.
翻译:也用咖啡壶砸他 打坏了他的颧骨。
4. He beat up an innocent man... fractured a cheekbone... broke an arm, put him in the hospital.
翻译:他攻击了一个无辜的男人 揍他的脸 弄断他的胳膊 把他送进医院。
5. Okay, but you can appreciate a good cheekbone.
6. ...right across the top of the cheekbone, splitting his face from the top of his ear to his chin.
7. The fact that you used that maroon along the cheekbone to look like blush.
8. Truancy, shoplifting, drinking, and that fight where he fractured Cam Matlock's cheekbone.
翻译:安排了一位公设辩护律师 {\3cH202020}for their first court appearance. 而不是刚从法学院毕业的书 {\3cH202020}not some just got out of law school liberal do。
9. it's more the facial contour, the cheekbone...
10. OK, Willow, i'm afraid your cheekbone looks broken, too.
翻译:击个掌 Alex 我待会儿再来看你。
11. So this is a photograph of Henry, two weeks after he had a malignant cancer removed from the left side of his face -- his cheekbone, his upper jaw, his eye-socket.
翻译:这是亨利的一张照片 在他把恶性肿瘤 从他左侧的脸上 - 他的颧骨, 他的上颚和眼窝上切除几周之后照得。。
12. i broke my cheekbone, i got five stitches on my right eye.
翻译:我的右眼缝了5针。 。
13. My client has a broken nose and a fractured cheekbone.
14. Her skull was badly damaged, but racial indicators-- cheekbone dimensions, nasal arch, occipital measurements-- suggest African-American.
翻译:她的头盖骨被严重损坏了 可是人种指示器 -- 通过计算颧骨的尺寸。
15. i hit my head on my desk. i broke my cheekbone, i got five stitches on my right eye.
翻译:头撞在了桌子上,下颌骨也骨折了, 我的右眼缝了5针。。