时间:2022-12-29 20:21
例句:So it's more effective than having two squadrons of soldiers.
翻译:所以 就算没有这两个中队的宪兵把守。
例句:The battle of the torpedo squadrons is almost over.
1. What about the foreign squadrons under training?
2. Red and Gold Squadrons, attack formations.
翻译:红色 金色中队 攻击队形 Red and Gold Squadrons, attack formations.。
3. Madam President, three Capitol squadrons just entered our airspace.
4. They have patrol squadrons.
翻译:还有战斗机巡逻 They have patrol squadrons.。
5. Synchronised squadrons fly low between the mulga trees.
6. For this reason, the returning Japanese attack squadrons radio ahead that there is a need for a second strike.
翻译:由于这个原因 返航途中的日军机群 电告母舰有必要进行第二波攻击。
7. Two squadrons of M.E. S climbing at 12 o'clock, General.
翻译:两架M. E 正从十二点钟的角度飞来。
8. The mission of the two squadrons was to get rid of all the Scud missile launchers.
翻译:这两支分队的任务 就是去摧毁这些飞毛腿发射器 。
9. First to come upon Nagumo's strike force are the 15 devastator torpedo bombers from the Hornet almost immediately followed by the two squadrons from the Enterprise and the Yorktown.
翻译:首先对南云舰队发动攻击的 是大黄蜂号的十五架鱼雷机 紧随其后的是其他两个中队。
10. Give me two squadrons of cops. i'll find her in two days.
11. Now, on my signal, the two squadrons will...
翻译:饶系绞扂楷锷缀 涴谤跺勦憩。
12. The Command of Bombers yielded 6 squadrons to the Coastal Command.
翻译:轰炸机司令部向岸防司令部 转移了六个中队的飞机,。
13. We're getting 6 volunteer pilots from Coastal Command... and from the Fleet Air Arms, sir... five from each of the Fairday battle squadrons... and three from army cooperation.
翻译:-好的 我们有6名志愿飞行员来自海岸司令部 6名来自海军航空队 长官。
14. Memory B cells turn into plasma cells, which produce wave after wave of the specific antibodies that latch onto HiV to prevent it from infecting cells, while squadrons of killer T cells seek out and destroy cells that are already HiV infected.
翻译:记忆细胞B变成血浆细胞, 而血浆细胞会产生一波又一波 特殊抗体。 这些抗体将会抓住病病毒 以其组织病病毒感染其他的细胞。 杀手T细胞中队 会寻找并 被病病毒感染的细胞。 。
15. Squadrons had been formed special, the Kamikaze, the Men of the Wind The holy ghost, baptisms in honor of the tufao that it verwhelmed the invasion of Kublai Khan, centuries before.
翻译:特殊的(空军)中队被组建起来 "神风突击队"... 神风战士...。