
时间:2022-12-26 23:40


Do you know how to say the time in English?


In this lesson, I'm going to make it really easy for you.

这堂课 我会让你觉得 关于时间的表达原来是那么简单

The first thing you need to know is that...this is called a watch and this is called a clock.

首先你要知道的是 这个叫手表 这个叫钟

A lot of people don't know that.


That's watch, you wear a watch,

这是手表 你带的手表

and a clock is on the wall somewhere.


Now a lot of countries have times like this, 13:00, 19:00, 21:00.


In most English-speaking countries, we don't have these times.

在大多数说英语的国家 我们都没有这样的时间显示

13:00 becomes 1pm, 19:00 becomes 7pm, and 21:00 becomes 9pm.

13:00表示成1pm 19:00表示成7pm 21:00表示成9pm

Okay here's our timeline.


We have 1am to 11am, then we have noon, 12 noon.

首先是早上1点到11点 接下来是12点 12点可用noon表示

Then it goes 1pm to 11pm, then midnight.

再从下午1点到晚上11点 再到午夜 午夜可用midnight表示

So noon is at lunch and midnight is at night.

所以说 noon代表午餐时间 midnight代表是晚上

Alright some people would call this 12am, and call this 12pm.

有人会把这个叫做早上12点 把这个叫做下午12点

All right but if you want to avoid any confusion,


You could use these words here, noon and midnight.


Okay they're both 12 o'clock, one's at night one's at lunchtime.

它们都表示12点 一个是指中午12点 一个是指午夜12点

All right so, one really important thing that you need to know is knowing how to ask for the time.

还有一个你需要知道的重点就是 如何正确的向他人询问时间

All right if you don't know what the time and you need to ask someone for it right?

如果你不知道时间 你就需要询问他人 对吧

Like for me I never wear a watch, so I always have to ask other people for the time.

就像我 我从不带手表 所以我经常需要询问他人时间

So the most common way to do it is just to say 'What time is it?'

最常见的问法就是 What time is it

But if you want to ask a stranger for the time,


then you should say one of these, you should say 'Excuse me, do you have the time?'

你应该使用这两种说法的其中一种 你应该说 "Excuse me, do you have the time?"

or 'Excuse me, do you know what time it is?'

或者是 Excuse me, do you know what time it is

Okay so that's how you ask for the time, really easy.

以上就是询问时间的方法 是不是很简单

Let's look at how we actually say the time.

那接下来我们看看 我们要如何表达时间呢

Now there's two ways to do.


We can use the word o'clock, or we can use a.m and p.m.


Alright so look at this here,


this could be 9 o'clock or it could be 9am or 9pm,

可以说成9 o'clock或9am/9pm

or some people would use both of these and say it's 9 o'clock am. or it's 9 o'clock pm.

有些人二者一起用 说成9 o'clock am或9 o'clock pm

You don't have to use both, actually you don't have to use any of this.

其实不需要二者一起使用 实际上 你可以不使用这两种说法

Probably the most common things is just to say the number.


Just 9.


Okay so, What time is it? It's 9.

现在几点了 九点了

Right, am or pm that should be obvious,


If the sun's shining, then it's am.

太阳还在照射时 那就是am

If the sun's not shining, it's probably pm right?

如果太阳下山了 就是pm了 对吧

Okay unless you live in Canada.


Here in Canada, it stays light for really late in the summer.

在加拿大 夏天晚些时候天空还是很亮的

In the summer, it only gets dark around I don't know 10 or 11 pm.

夏天时 可能将近10或11点天才会黑 我也不太确定

Okay so what about if we have times like this?



This might be really scary for you, don't worry, it's really really easy.

可能看到这你会觉得害怕 别担心 真的很简单

Okay when we have times like this, we can't use the word o'clock.

如果是遇到这种时间的话 就不能用o'clock这种说法了

Okay we can only use o'clock, if it's an even number like 9 o'clock or 3 o'clock.

我们只能在整点的时候用o'clock这种表达 比如9点 3点

So how do we say this?


We say 'Nine O Three'.

我们可以说 Nine O Three


Anytime there's a zero in the number, then it's O.

只要在时间里有数字0的 我们都把它读成O

Then it's just the number.


Like look at this, 11:35.

看这个 11:35

Super easy, 11:35, you can say am or pm, it's your choice.

超简单 直接读就好了 你可以加am或pm 任你选择

Now there's another way that some people say certain times.

还有某些特定的时间 有些人喜欢用另外的方式表达


Now you don't have to use this,


but you can and it's good to know,

但是你也可以这么使用 而且知道了会更好

if you're going to ask someone for the time, and they respond like this,

如果你向他人询问时间后 别人是这么回答你的话

then you need to know it, but you don't have to use it.

你需要知道他们在说什么 但是你可以不这么使用

So if it's 15 minutes after the hour, then you can say 'quarter after.'

所以 如果是像这种 小时后面是15分钟的话 你就可以说quarter after

If it's 30, half past,

小时后面是30分钟的话 就用half past

If it's 45, quarter to.

如果是45分的话 就用quarter to

Let's look at some examples here.



So here it's 5:15 right?

这里是5:15 对吧

But you could also say 'quarter after five.'

不过你可以说 quarter after five

Here's 11:30, you could say 'half past eleven.'

这里是11:30 你就可以说half past eleven

Here it's 4:45, you could say 'It's quarter to five.'

4:45你就可以说quarter to five

It's not quarter to four, it's quarter to five.

注意 不是quarter to four 是quarter to five

But like I said,

不过 就像我之前说的

you could say these other ways as well,


It's 5:15, 11:30, 4:45,


It's all the same.



