双面战姬流程选项攻略 全角色加入方法

时间:2022-11-19 03:57


双面战姬流程选项攻略 全角色加入方法

Stage Answer 中文 English 结果/Result 备注/Memo

1 1 为了钱 For the sake of money -1

2 为了梦想 For the sake of an ideal 1

1 一起说,不遮遮掩掩 To say it together with no disguise 1

2 支开苟册华 To send George away with an excuse -1

1 不接受Lin的建议 To refuse Lin’s suggestion 2

2 为了钱,接受建议 To accept the suggestion -2

2 1 强势拒绝 A strong refusal 1

2 向金钱低头 Bow to money -1

3 1 不行,这是原则问题 No, it’s a matter of principle 1

2 不耽误工作就行 It’s all right if it doesn’t hold up work -1

1 不压价,展现诚意 To show sincerity with no bargain 1

2 最大可能压价 To bargain as much as possible -1

1 摆事实,讲道理 To present the facts, reason things out 3

2 恐吓苟册华 To intimidate George -3

4 1 不赌 Not to bet 1

2 赌 To bet -1

1 确实,健康更重要 Indeed, health is more important 1

2 依旧同意加班 Agree with overtime work -1

5 1 接受金主爸爸的钱 To accept the dad donor’s money -3

2 不收这笔钱 To refuse the money 3 当当加入/Dorsey join in

6 1 安抚苟册华 To placate George 1

2 强势警告 To warn strongly -1

1 为了销量,问 To inquire for the sake of sales -1

2 尊重乔乔,不问 Not to inquire for the sake of respect for Jojo 1

1 女装! Women’s dress! -3 看乔乔女装照

2 不搞这些歪门邪道 don’t conduct dishonest practices 3

7 1 提高价码 To increase the price -2

2 另请高明 To hire someone else 2

8 1 私了,让他们撤诉 To settle the matter out of court and ask for nolle prosequi -1

2 打官司,我们不怕 Not to mind going to law 1

1 工期为上,抛弃原则 Time limit for the project comes first, principle means little -2

2 坚守原则,绝不抄袭 To insist on principle, never plagiarize 2 咔咔咚加入/Kelley join in

9 1 搞个外挂,弄死他 To make a tag-on service and kill him -1

2 不行,要公平游戏 No, to play fair 1

1 不比,没意思 It’s meaningless not to compete -1

2 那就比吧 To compete 1

10 1 解决问题要紧,开放 To open, for it matters more to solve problems -1

2 风险太大,不授权 Not to authorize due to too big risks 1 0号加入/Zero join in

11 1 那也只能认栽 To admit defeat if it’s the case -1

2 我会保护好这款游戏 I’ll protect this game 1

1 没办法,只能同意 There is nothing to do but to agree -1

2 那就我们自己搞定 Then we fix it on our own 1

1 向金钱低头 To bow to money -2

2 拒绝,坚持自主发行 To refuse and insist in publishing by himself 2 艾比加入/Abby join in

12 1 别骂,不要乱来 No curses, don’t mess up 1

2 骂就完事了 Just scold -1

1 坚决维护正版 To protect the legal version firmly 1

2 合作,共赢 Win-win cooperation -1

13 1 可以,上阉割版 Yes, castration version -1

2 不,游戏品质最重要 No, game quality is the most important 1

1 同意配合 Agree to cooperate -3

2 拒绝黑幕 Reject shady Deal 3 爱丽丝加入/Alice join in

14 1 赌,保持怀疑 Bet and remain suspicious. 1

2 忘掉这事,不去管 Forget it, let it go. -1

1 坚决指出音乐有问题 Point out that there is something wrong with music 2

2 相信权威人士,屈服 Trust authority figures and give in -2

15 1 那就考虑考虑吧 Seriously consider -1

2 据理力争 Argue with reason 1

1 同意进行商业化运营 Agree to commercialize operations -3

2 不忘初心,玩家体验至上 Do not forget the original intention that the player experience is the most important 3 梅丽尔加入/Meryl join in

16 1 同意加入性感元素 Agree to add sexy element -1

2 拒绝这种软色情噱头 Reject this kind of soft porn stunt 1

1 同意植入广告,获得追投 Agree advertising placement and get follow-up investment -3

2 不同意,维护游戏环境 Disagree, maintain the game environment 3

17 1 相信,但必须慎重 Believe, but must be cautious 1

2 行,那就试试吧 OK, then try it -1

1 顺从金主爸爸,加 Obey big boss and add it -2

2 拒绝不合理的潮元素 Reject unreasonable trendy elements 2

18 1 那还是自己掏钱吧 own money 1

2 找金主爸爸要钱 Ask the donor daddy for money -1

1 答应,将游戏设定大改 promise,the game setting big change -3

2 不能这么折磨编剧 No,he can't torture the screenwriter 3

19 1 看看吧,文本而已 look at it, just the text -1

2 不看,不能惯着他 No, can't get used to him 1

1 相信大神 Believe in the Master -3

2 反对无理要求 Oppose unreasonable demands 3

20 1 自信满满地同意 Confidently agreed 1

2 假装不敌,忽悠一番 Pretend not to be defeated by the enemy -1

1 接受建模,获得金主好感 Accept the modeling and get the favor of the boss -2

2 坚决不同意 Strongly disagree 2

21 1 同意,不管视力问题 Agree, regardless of eyesight problem -1

2 为了玩家的健康,反对 For the health of players, oppose 1

1 签吧,毕竟是金主的人 sign it, after all, he is sent by Donor Daddy’s -3

2 不签,除非把活干完 Don't sign unless you finish the work 3

22 1 肯定有猫腻,坚决测试 There must be tricks, resolutely test 1

2 让苟册华决定 Let George decide -1

1 不测了,直接执行 Do not test, direct execution -3

2 不行,一定要测试一遍 No, it must be tested once 3

23 1 信任专家,听他的话 Trust the expert and listen to him 3

2 不信任,我有我的想法 Distrust, have his own ideas -3

24 1 苟册华最近很可疑 the planner George is suspicious recently -3

2 我相信我的团队 I trust my team 3

