一共有12种技能分支,使用对应技能分支的能力可以获得相应熟练度经验,以提升技能等级。到达相应技能等级会解锁相关技能成长奖励,技能等级上限将为目前的对应主属性值。 例如,反应为10点时,不断使用步枪可提升步枪技能等级,每级将会解锁技能成长奖励,上限为10级。
名称 | 专长效果 | 解锁需投入点数 | 可升等级 | 类型 |
神枪手 Gunslinger
手枪或左轮手枪的装填时间减少10% Reduces reload time for pistols and revolvers by 10%
1 3 被动
午时已到 High Noon
手枪或左轮手枪的暴击率增加4% Increases crit chance with pistols and revolvers by 4%
1 3 被动
赤胆屠龙 Rio Bravo
手枪或左轮手枪的爆头伤害倍数增加10% Increases headshot damage multiplier with pistols and revolvers by 10%
1 3 被动
亡命之徒 Desperado
手枪或左轮手枪的伤害增加3% Increases damage with pistols and revolvers by 3%
1 3 被动
急速出枪 On the Fly
手枪或左轮手枪的抬枪速度减少25% Reduces draw/holster time of pistols and revolvers by 25%
7 2 被动
远射得分 Long Shot Drop pop
手枪或左轮手枪对5米以外的敌人造成的伤害增加15% Increases the damage with pistols and revolvers to enemies 5+ meters away by 15%
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稳定瞄准 Steady hand
手枪或左轮手枪的后坐力减少30% Reduces Pistol and Revolver recoil by 30%
9 1 被动
赶尽杀绝 O.K. corral
手枪或左轮手枪对生命低于25%的敌人伤害提升50% Deal 50% more damage with pistols and revolvers to enemies whose health is below 25%
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灭点 Vanishing Point
装备手枪或左轮手枪时,躲闪后6秒内回避率增加25% Evasion increases by 25% for 6 sec. after performing a dodge with a pistol or revolver equipped
9 1 被动
荒野镖客 A Fistfull of Eurodollars
手枪或左轮手枪的暴击伤害增加10% Increases crit damage with pistols and revolvers by 10%
11 2 被动
从头到脚 From head to toe
手枪或左轮手枪对四肢造成的伤害增加7% Increases damage to limbs with pistols and revolvers by 7%
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大结局 Grand Finale
手枪或左轮手枪每个弹夹中最后1发子弹可以造成双倍伤害 The last round in a pistol or revolver clip deals double damage
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体操队员 Acrobat
使用手枪或左轮手枪瞄准时,也可以躲闪了 You can now perform dodges while aiming with a pistol or revolver
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狂野西部 Wild West
手枪或左轮手枪射击远距离目标时不再受到伤害惩罚了 Removes the damage penalty from pistols and revolvers when shooting from a distance
14 1 被动
消耗战 Attritional fire
使用手枪或左轮手枪对同一个目标连续射击时,伤害增加10% Firing consecutivge shots with a pistol or revolver at the same target increases damage by 10%
14 1 被动
滚雪球 Snowball Effect
使用手枪或左轮手枪了结一个敌人后,射速在6秒内提升5%,效果可最多叠加5次 After defeating an enemy fire rate (cycle time) for handguns receives a 5% boost for 6 seconds.
Stacks up 5 times
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西部世界 Westworld
当前使用的手枪或左轮手枪每安装一个模块,暴击率增加10% Increases Crit Chance by 10% for each mod installed on the handgun you’re using.
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铅弹海绵 Lead Sponge
在躲闪中也可以使用手枪或左轮手枪射击了 Enables you to shoot with pistols and revovlers while dodging
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黄金三镖客 The good, the bad and the ugly
使用手枪或左轮手枪暴击后5秒内,伤害和护甲都增加30% After a successful crit with a pistol or a revolver, damage and armor increase by 30% for 5 sec
20 1 被动
动动脑子 Brainpower
使用手枪或左轮手枪爆头后5秒内,暴击率增加25% After a successful headshot with a pistol or revolver, Crit chances increases by 25% for 5 sec
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