一共有12种技能分支,使用对应技能分支的能力可以获得相应熟练度经验,以提升技能等级。到达相应技能等级会解锁相关技能成长奖励,技能等级上限将为目前的对应主属性值。 例如,反应为10点时,不断使用步枪可提升步枪技能等级,每级将会解锁技能成长奖励,上限为10级。
名称 | 专长效果 | 解锁需投入点数 | 可升等级 | 类型 |
鹰眼 Eagle Eye
步枪或冲锋枪的开镜时间减少10% Reduces the time to aim down sight with Rifles and SMG by 10%
1 3 被动
掩护射击 Covering Killshot
在掩体后使用步枪或冲锋枪时,暴击率增加10% Increases crit chance with Rifles and SMG by 10% when firing from behind cover
5 2 被动
刽子手 Executioner
敌人生命低于50%时,步枪或冲锋枪对他的伤害增加25% Deal 25% more damage with Rifles and SMG to enemies whose health is above 50%
7 1 被动
速度猎手 Quick Hunter
步枪或冲锋枪对移动中的敌人造成的伤害增加10% Increases Rifle and SMG damage to moving enemies by 10%
9 2 被动
钢铁意志 Nerves of Steel
使用狙击枪或精密步枪爆头时伤害增加20% Increases headshot damage with sniper rifles and precision rifles by 20%
11 2 被动
如丝顺滑 Feel the Flow
突击步枪或冲锋枪的装填时间减少10% Reduces reload time for Assault Rifles and SMG by 10%
11 2 被动
猎人之手 Hunter’s Hands
在掩体后使用步枪或冲锋枪时,后坐力减少20% Reduces recoil with Rifles and SMG by 20% when firing from behind cover
12 2 被动
壕沟战 Trench Warfare
在掩体后使用步枪或冲锋枪时,伤害增加5% Increases Rifle and SMG damage by 5% when firing from behind cover
12 2 被动
枪出有名 Named Bullets
步枪或冲锋枪的暴击伤害增加35% Increases crit damage with Rifles and SMG by 35%
14 1 被动
骷髅船长 Skull Skipper
使用步枪或冲锋枪爆头后10秒内,后坐力减少5%,此效果最多可叠加5次 Each headshot reduces recoil with Rifle and SMG by 5% for 10 sec. Stacks up to 5 times
14 1 被动
地堡 Bunker
在掩体后使用步枪或冲锋枪时,护甲和抗性增加15% Increases armor and resistances by 15% when shooting with Rifle and SMG from behind cover
16 1 被动
反冲控制 Recoil Wrangler
步枪或冲锋枪的后坐力减少10% Reduces recoil with Rifles and SMG by 10%
16 1 被动
远距射击 Long Shot
步枪或冲锋枪射击越远的目标,伤害越高 Rifle and SMG damage increases the farther you are located from enemies
18 1 被动
无所遁形 In Perspective
步枪或冲锋枪的子弹会多反弹2次 Bullets fired from Rifles and SMG ricochet an additional 2 time(s)
18 1 被动
坚忍野人 Savage Stoic
在静止站立时,步枪或冲锋枪的伤害增加45% Increases damage with Rifles and SMG by 45% when standing still
20 1 被动
惩戒者 Punisher
使用步枪或冲锋枪了结敌人后10秒内,准心不会摇摆且弹道不会扩散 After defeating an enemy with a Rifle or SMG, weapon sway is nullified and
weapon spread does not increases for 10 sec
20 1 被动