一共有12种技能分支,使用对应技能分支的能力可以获得相应熟练度经验,以提升技能等级。到达相应技能等级会解锁相关技能成长奖励,技能等级上限将为目前的对应主属性值。 例如,反应为10点时,不断使用步枪可提升步枪技能等级,每级将会解锁技能成长奖励,上限为10级。
名称 | 专长效果 | 解锁需求技能分支等级 | 可升等级 | 类型 |
冷血 Cold Blood
每击败1个敌人,获得10秒冷血并增加2%movement,最多1层冷血 After defeating an enemy, gain Cold Blood for 10 seconds and increase movement by 2%. Stacks up to 1 times.
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求生意志 Will to Survive
每层冷血增加2.5%的全抗性 Increases all resistances per stack of Cold Blood by 2.5%
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冰寒静脉 Icy Veins 每层冷血减少2.5%的武器后坐力 Reduces weapon recoil by 2.5% per stack of Cold Blood
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寒霜突触 Frosty Synapses 每层冷血减少3%的快速骇客冷却时间 Reduces quickhack cooldowns per stack of Cold Blood by 3%
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危笃状态 Critical Condition 增加5秒冷血持续时间 Increases duration of Cold Blood by 5 seconds
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血凝为甲 Defensive Clotting 每层冷血增加1%护甲 Increases armor by 1% per stack of Cold Blood
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极速血流 Rapid Bloodflow 每层冷血增加生命恢复速度?.5%(战斗中及战斗外) Increase health regen inside and outside combat by?.5% per stack of Cold Blood ※(0.5%还是5%不确定)
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精准霜寒 Frozen Precision 增加50%的爆头伤害 Increases headshot damage by 50%
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最冷的血 Coldest Blood 增加1层最大冷血层数 Increases max stack amount for Cold Blood by 1
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冷血格斗 Blood Brawl 冷血激活时,近战武器伤害增加5% When Cold Blood is active, increases damage with melee weapons by 5%
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猎食者 Predator 每层冷血增加1%攻速 Increases attack speed by 1% per stack of Cold Blood
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快速转移 Quick Transfer 每层冷血减少1%快速骇客上传时间 Reduces quickhack upload time by 1% per stack of Cold Blood
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寒冷与计算 Cold and Calculating 暴击时有25%的几率增加1层冷血 Landing a Crit Hit has a 25% chance of applying a stack of Cold Blood
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血胀 Bloodswell 生命降到45%时,自动激活最大层数的冷血 When health reaches 45%, a max stack of Cold Blood is automatically activated
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牢不可破 Unbreakable 增加1层最大冷血层数 Increases max stack of Cold Blood by 1
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凝血剂 Coolagulant 冷血层数减少时,改为逐级递减,而不再是一次清空 Stacks of Cold Blood are removed one by one, rather than all at once
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苦痛皆幻 Pain is an Illusion 冷血激活时,减伤5% When Cold Blood is active, reduces damage taken by 5%
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免疫力 Immunity 冷血激活时,免疫流血、毒素、燃烧、震撼效果 When Cold Blood is active, you are immune to bleeding, poison, burn and shock
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心无慈悲者 Merciless 冷血激活时,增加10%暴击几率,增加25%暴击伤害 When Cold Blood is active, increase crit chance by 10% and crit damage by 25%
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