时间:2022-11-16 01:30
有益身体(Does a Body Good) 苦痛赐福(Benediction of Pain)
别叫他罗夏克(Don’t Call it Rorschach) 苦痛赐福(Benediction of Pain)
那是则预言故事(It’s an Allegory) 苦痛赐福(Benediction of Pain)
爆炸请求(Blast Requests) 血色城堡(Castle Crimson)
火热且心无旁骛(Hot and Unbothered) 血色城堡(Castle Crimson)
向鲁司特扯谎(Laid to Rust) 血色城堡(Castle Crimson)
叫你抓,没有叫你闻(Scratch, Don’t Sniff) 蓝宝石的逃亡(Sapphire’s Run)
脑力激荡(Brainstorm) 蓝宝石的逃亡(Sapphire’s Run)
疯子在游¥行(Krieg’s on Parade) 蓝宝石的逃亡(Sapphire’s Run)
那唤起了某段记忆(That Rings a Something) 蓝宝石的逃亡(Sapphire’s Run
一颗好蛋(A Good Egg) 颠狂即景(The Psychoscape)
请检查(Check, Please) 颠狂即景(The Psychoscape)
重塑行为(Remodel Behavior) 颠狂即景(The Psychoscape)