微软模拟飞行2020波音747-8自动驾驶使用指南 如何使用自动驾驶_<span>MCP</span>

时间:2022-11-15 19:23


此文章为 “波音747-400” 机型的 自动驾驶仪, 仅供参考和理解自动驾驶系统的逻辑

微软模拟飞行2020波音747-8自动驾驶使用指南 如何使用自动驾驶_<span>MCP</span>

荷兰皇家航空 KLM Boeing 747-400


The autopilot and flight director Mode Control Panel (MCP) in the Boeing 747 is located in the glare shield and is the human machine interface to the flight guidance system of this airliner.

The MCP of this Boeing aircraft can be be split into several regions:

Auto Throttle, Speed, Heading, Vertical Speed, Altitude, Approach and Autopilot Masters




微软模拟飞行2020波音747-8自动驾驶使用指南 如何使用自动驾驶_<span>MCP</span>


Overview of the buttons, switches and knobs:

F/D - Toggles visibility of Flight Director


A/T ARM - arms or disengages Auto Throttle

THR - Thrust Button reduces or increases thrust reference (THR REF)

SPD - Speed Button selects auto throttle speed (SPD)

IAS/MACH - Speed window that displays the selected airspeed, blanked if VNAV controls speed

SEL - Toggles between IAS and MACH display

Speed Knob - rotated to adjust selected speed, pushed for speed intervention

LNAV - Lateral NAVigation is engaged with this button

VNAV - Vertical NAVigation is engaged with this button

FLCH - Flight Level CHange button can be pressed to command a climb or descent towards selected altitude


HDG - Selected Heading window always showing the currently selected heading

HDG Knob - Changes the selected heading

SEL - Engages the selected heading mode (HDG SEL)

BANK LIMIT - Selector for the maximum bank angle for autopilot turns

HOLD - levels the aircraft and holds present heading (HDG HOLD)

Vertical Speed

VERT SPD - Selected vertical speed window. Blanked when active vertical mode is not vertical speed

Vertical Speed Wheel - used to nose down (increase sinkrate) or nose up (increase vertical speed)

VS - Engages Vertical Speed (VS) hold mode


ALT - Selected altitude window

ALT knob - Rotated to increase or decrease selected altitude

HOLD - button to command an immediate level off and maintain present altitude (ALT HOLD)


LOC - Arms localizer capture only

APP - Arms localizer and glide slope capture or, if no ILS approach was programmed, arms LNAV and VNAV approach.

Autopilot Masters

A/P ENGAGE: L CMD, C CMD, R CMD engage the left, center and right autopilot command (CMD).

DISENGAGE - Disconnects all three autopilots

