微软模拟飞行2020AI飞机关闭教程 默认AI飞机关闭方法

时间:2022-11-15 18:21


微软模拟飞行2020AI飞机关闭教程 默认AI飞机关闭方法




打开aircraft.crg 这个文件



title = "Airbus A320 Neo Asobo" ; Variation name

model = "" ; model folder

panel = "" ; panel folder

sound = "" ; sound folder

texture = "" ; texture folder

kb_checklists = "Boeing747-400_check" ; Procedures/Checklist sibling file name

kb_reference = "Boeing747-400_ref" ; Reference information sibling file name

description = "TT:AIRCRAFT.DESCRIPTION" ; Variation description.

wip_indicator = 0 ; know if the variation is good to go or still WIP : -1=Disabled, 0=Rough, 1=1st Pass, 2=Finished

ui_manufacturer = "TT:AIRCRAFT.UI_MANUFACTURER" ; e.g. Boeing, Cessna

ui_type = "TT:AIRCRAFT.UI_MODEL" ; e.g. 747-400, 172

ui_variation = "TT:AIRCRAFT.LIVERY.DEFAULT" ; e.g. World Air, IFR Panel

ui_typerole = "Commercial Airliner" ; e.g. Single Engine Prop, Twin Engine Prop, Rotorcraft, etc

ui_createdby = "Asobo Studio" ; e.g. Asobo Studio, Microsoft, FSAddonCompany, etc

ui_thumbnailfile = "" ; app relative path to ThumbNail image file

ui_certified_ceiling = 39800 ; service ceiling / max certified operating altitude (ft)

ui_max_range = 3500 ; max distance the aircraft can fly between take-off and landing in (NM)

ui_autonomy = 7 ; max duration the aircraft can fly between take-off and landing in (Hrs)

ui_fuel_burn_rate = 5300 ; average fuel consumption per hour (lbs/hr) - reminder: fuel density is ~6.7lbs per US gallon

atc_id = "ASX320" ; tail number

atc_id_enable = 0 ; enable tail number

atc_airline = "" ; airline name

atc_flight_number = "1123" ; flight number

atc_heavy = 1 ; heavy?

atc_parking_types = "GATE,RAMP,CARGO" ; "ANY" / "RAMP" / "CARGO" / "MIL_CARGO" / "MIL_COMBAT" / "GATE" / "DOCK"

atc_parking_codes = "" ; Comma separated and may be as small as one character each

atc_id_color = "" ; color for the tail number : i.e. "#ffff00ff"

atc_id_font = "" ; font for the tail number

isAirTraffic = 0 ; Is the plane usable for air traffic

isUserSelectable = 1 ; Is the plane selectable by the user

找到加深的这一个 这一行, 吧0替换成 1

再到 你的硬盘:MSFSOfficialOneStoreasobo-aircraft-a320-neoSimObjectsAirPlanesAsobo_A320_NEO

同样的文件 但是找到默认机的文件 把里面的1替换成0 就可以了

