时间:2022-11-15 08:40
Derelict Distillery Update
废弃酒厂 版本
Important features
New biome: Derelict Distillery. High Peak Castle alternative, currently available from the Collector area leading to the High Peak Castle.
New item: Tesla Coil! A medium-range, multi-targeting, shock inflicting turret.
New item: Barrel Launcher!: Throw explosive barrels on enemies. Just make sure they don't throw it back to you.
New OST: You can now choose between the original version and the brand new demake/8-bit/chiptune version of the soundtrack in the Sound option menu.
Prisoners' Quarters: rats density decreased.
Rats behaviour has been tweaked - it now waits a bit less and go less far in-between two attacks.
Tweaked damage affixes chances of appearing on an item. They should now more or less have all equal chances of being generated.
Community suggestion Forgotten Sepulchre 3BC door cursed chest has been replaced by a regular treasure. The cursed chest is now in the main level, and hence available at every BC.
社区建议 被遗忘的陵墓3细胞门里的咒箱被拿了出来,这样低细胞不会缺属性。3细胞门里变成了普通宝箱。
Weirded Warriors won't be parrying your arrows if you're hitting them after one of the dashes.
Community suggestion Purulent Zombies (the worms trowing one, and yes, we need a different name for one of the two purulent) don't teleport anymore in 4BC+.
社区建议 寄生僵尸(下水道吐绿虫子的那个)在4、5细胞不会传送。
Community suggestion Sismic Blade can't proc the bonus damage on rooted enemies affix anymore.
社区建议 震地之刃无法获得对固定的敌人加伤的词条。
Community suggestion Hayabusa Boots combo is now composed of only three hits instead of four, meaning the last, bumping, hit comes faster. Damage when bumping an enemy in the wall has also been increased.
社区建议 隼之靴的一套攻击现在只包含3下而不是4下,这样威力最强的最后一下攻击来得更快。敌人撞到墙时造成的额外伤害值也被提升了。
Community suggestion Nerves of Steel damage increased.
社区建议 增加了钢铁意志的伤害。
Community suggestion Infantry Bow damage and ammo increased.
社区建议 增加步兵短弓的伤害和弹药量。
Community suggestion Swamp of the banished: reduced density of enemies, Giant Ticks do less damage.
社区建议 被弃者沼泽的怪物密度降低,小蜱虫的伤害降低。
Community suggestion Increase all first bosses and Time Keeper gear level.
社区建议 提升第1个boss和时光守护者掉落的装备等级。
Dilapidated Arboretum: reduced density of little mushies, no more Oven Knights.
Corrupted Confinement: rats density decreased.
Quality of life
Community suggestion Ice Crossbow: prevent the "worms spawn on victim's death" affix.
社区建议 寒冰弩:不会再出现杀死敌人产生虫子的词条。
Community suggestion Added a 60 kills perfect door after the spoiler biome.
社区建议 观星实验室增加一个60无伤门。
Bug fixes
Community suggestion Decreased chance of +% damage on critical hits appearing.
社区建议 暴击增伤词条出现的概率下降。